
Opresnik Engineering Consultants is a Sustainability Consultant, based around Energy Management, Energy Modeling, and Commissioning. Our office is located in Toronto, but our projects span many countries.

Here at OECI, we employ a dynamic group of Professional Consulting Engineers specializing in Sustainable Design. Our firm is primarily composed of individuals with Mechanical Engineering, Sustainability and Energy Management backgrounds, ensuring a clear and concise understanding of HVAC and Building Systems.

Our clients can relax and take comfort in the execution of our Professional and Experienced deliverables.  We are a team committed to ongoing exciting opportunities and look forward to the continued exponential growth of this sustainable sector.

A Focus on Sustainability

While there is no decisive definition of sustainability – it can be stated as “providing for the needs of the present without detracting from the ability to fulfill the needs of the future.” Ideally, the term sustainability should be considered as a mindset or a goal. Sustainability is a vehicle to inspire designers of buildings, building systems and equipment. Many of the benefits of employing green building technologies and practices for occupants, owners, the environment and society in general are quantifiable and well documented. By designing buildings that then constructed and operated to boost environmental, economic, health and productivity performance over that of conventional building, we are embracing the meaning of sustainability. Tangible benefits include measurable reduction of waste, decreased water use, energy saving, reduced operating and maintenance costs and improved indoor air quality. Intangible benefits include improved occupant health, employee morale, productivity, recruitment, retention and public image. Often the financial returns on green building practices overshadow the savings associated with more measurable building performance gains.